Thursday, June 13, 2024

Seize the Birthday Challenge #285 - Double Stenciling

With this challenge, the option is layering 2 stencils - stencil, leave on, lay a 2nd stencil over the top, and stencil again.  Layering stenciling = double stenciling.

I also used a different stencil for the background tag.  I probably have used this sketch before, but I just love it when there is a "gift" on the card.

I used an older PTI Tag die, along with a couple of Walmart stencils for the top tag, and a generic stencil for the background tag.  My sentiment is from [retired] Poppy Stamps, Art Deco Birthday Greetings.

Your turn!  While double stenciling is an option, being a birthday card is not.  You can upload your card over at Seize the Birthday Challenge.

Thanks for stopping by~


JoAnn said...

A fun tag with your double stenciling Vicki. Great card.

*Vicki* said...

Love the design on the tags! Fabulous birthday card!

TK said...

Fantastical and fun, this one is a winner, Vicki!! I had to "pin" this right away, as I love the fun stencils, fun colors and CAS design

Barbara said...

The second stencil really makes your tags Pop! Very nice and another great CAS card.

Nancy said...

Love the double tag and they blend so well together. Wonderful card!

Verna Angerhofer said...

Nice design with the tag! Love the colors!

Greta said...

You had the perfect stencils to use--love this card!

Julia Aston said...

What a fun design your layered stenciling created on your pretty double tag Vicki! Great colors used and pretty twine looped at the top! A wonderful CAS design with lots of interest! So happy to be playing with this talented DT for June and July! Julia xx

JulieP said...

Very fun design and I love that color combo!

Leslie said...

Awesome! I do love a card with tags!

Cathy said...

Double stencilling and double tags, love this design and the geometric combo, Cathy x

Colleen said...

Fun stencils for your birthday tags!

Ashwini Rao said...

I do love the sweet graphic design and the simplicity of the card. The green and black combo really strikes when used with that big tag. Great card, Vicki!

shirley-bee said...

Love this! I like how the dark circles are randomly off-centre on the lime shapes. And the second tag adds lovely background detail.

Linda said...

Vicki, your double stenciled tag is so cute in the blue and lime green.

Glenda J said...

Great colour combo for your tags!