Thursday, August 24, 2023

Seize the Birthday Challenge - Musical


I only know one person who is "musical" - I hope she likes this when she gets this card. 😁

I used the now shut down CAS-ual Fridays, Musical Notes and Note Dies for this card.  They worked perfectly!

The hb is from a retired Hero Arts set.

Your turn!  Come on over to Seize the Birthday Challenge and join in the fun.  While make it musical is an option, being a birthday card is not.

Thanks for stopping by~


Linda said...

Vicki, this is so pretty and CAS. Love that big purple note singing Happy Birthday.

Lisa Elton said...

This is fun, Vicki! I like the purple treble clef!

Izzy Scrap said...

Love that bold treble clef with the heart as well as the delicate musical score. They made a lovely CAS design. Thank you very much for welcoming me to your team for the past 2 months, it has been a real pleasure !

Barbara said...

Love your CAS design. It gets it done.

I Card Everyone said...

You're making me awfully sad I didn't buy that Treble Clef, Vicki! I live with a very musical guy - he'd love this card as much as I do!

Verna Angerhofer said...

I love this musical birthday card you made. Great color choices too!

Nancy said...

Looks like you had no trouble coming up with Musical supplies. Fun card!

*Vicki* said...

Wonderful card! Those are some great musical dies to have in your stash! Love the purple!!

Marina said...

What a great cas design - love that purple clef.

Colleen said...

Vicki, I need those dies! What a wonderful CAS card!! I need to be on the look out for something similar for my stash!

TK said...

No better way to sing Happy Birthday than with a melodious card! I love this, Vicki

TK said...

No better way to sing Happy Birthday than with a melodious card! I love this, Vicki

JoAnn said...

Great CAS card Vicki. Love that big purple music note.

JulieP said...

I love that you had a special recipient in mind with your card. Your CAS design is perfection.

shirley-bee said...

Fab CAS card, Vicki! I love the musical notes and treble clef dies 💜

Cathy said...

The purple treble clef looks fabulous on the musical notes, such a cool CAS card, Cathy x

Glenda J said...

Love your big purple treble clef!

LeslieT said...

Beautiful CAS design! Great purple musical note!