Thursday, April 29, 2010

Stampin B's #56 - Mother's Day Card

This week Nancyruth challenged us to make a Mother's Day card.  Since I need a couple anyway, it's no challenge but a godsend!  Makes me get er done!  LOL.  My problem?  I took them into work and SOLD them - So now, I have to make more!  Duh-- what was I thinking?  Oh yeah-- making money let's me BUY more stuff~~ BAWAHAAHA~~  Anyway, I am trying to upscale my cards a little by adding features outside my box - this card I used a swirl punch that I have had......a long time - you know the saying use WHAT YOU HAVE instead of buying more-- well, I am trying. (I really like BUYING new - LOL)  In fact,  I recently bought the ms punch (bottom border) and I LOVE THIS PUNCH - it works so well with the pearls - the rose is from GKD A Year of Flowers that I glittered with a Jelly roll glitter pen (I am not impressed on how it photographs though - it looks much better IRL)  I also used a leaf punch.  For background I  used my friend the cuttlebug with the "color your folder with ink before embossing" technique for the background argyle folder, [this is for STV challenge by Sharri] and just the dots folder for the other one.  Bling is some clearance stuff I found at Mike's.  I really was happy with this card~~ my boss was too since he bought it for HIS mom!  Since I don't duplicate cards I will be making another one for me.... but it won't be the same.

Please come and join in with the Stampin B's!  This is such an easy challenge - I know you will need to make at least 1 Mom's day card...even if its for a friend!  Hope to see you there!


craftieodmae said...

I am so far behind with commenting on my favorite blogs, looked and caught up and love all your cards I've missed. and can't wait to try your new sketch challenge!

Edna Morrisedie said...

I love the border punch too! But especially liking the scroll, adds so much flow to this lovely creation!

Karen Barber said...

Vicki this is GORGEOUS!!! That pink is so pretty and that border punch rocks!! LOVE THIS!!!!

Julia Aston said...

Love that rose and all the punched edges on this Vicki - a beautiful Mother's day card!

Unknown said...

The card is beautiful! I can understand why someone would want to buy them!
Love all the extra touches you have added!
Now go get to crackin' and make some to give to Moms! LOL!
True :D

jdmommy - Anne Harmon said...

Lovely! Now if you hadn't sold them you'd be ahead! LOL! Great job!

Joanne Travis said...

This is so beautifully done! Thanks for the reminder to get going on the Mother's Day stuff, it seems earlier this year. Got one more to make for my husband's dear, sweet Nana.
LOVE your creation, Vicki!!

Joanne (jojot) said...

cool layout and details....a beauty of a MD card

Mary Marsh said...

this is a beautiful card vicki-I see why your manager bought it-thanks for the heads up on the stampin b challenge

Wanda Cullen said...

I dunno, Vicki...this is so beautiful you just have to duplicate it - lol! It's really gorgeous - the embossed rose, the scroll, the embossed BG layers and yes, I love that punched border a lot, too!!

Peggy said...

Absolutely beautiful Mother's Day Card! Reminds me I better go see what I have or need to make for my Mom. She is going to be here to visit on Friday!! Wheee!