Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Just Us Girls Challenge #728 - Stencil Week

This is always such an easy challenge.  It is also one of our most popular.  We like that.

A real simple card - adding some blended inks over a stencil for my background, cut out a circle die, layer a birthday sentiment, and WA LA, card done. 😀

I am loving the end result!

Your turn!  Come on over to JUGS #728 challenge and play along.  We look forward to seeing your stenciled cards.

Thanks for stopping by~
ps - I have used affiliated links in this post at no additional cost to you. (All you need to do is click on the highlighted links in my post). Thanks so much for the support!


Carol said...

That's a fun stencil and pretty colors Vicki!

Verna Angerhofer said...

Love the blue and green blended background which looks amazing with the focal design.

TK said...

What a fun stencil, Vicki, and the colors are fun too -- perfect stencil card that lets the stencil do all the talking!

ElizStewart said...

Vicki...great coloring of a 2D it!

I Card Everyone said...

WOW-la!!!! Holy moly, Vicki - that is one fantabulous stencil!!

Lisa Elton said...

Wow, what a great background! This is fun!

Sue VanDeVusse said...

That stencil is so cool and I love how you blended the colors! Beautiful birthday card.

Stephanie Lanzalotto said...

What a great stencil. You've used it so well! Great project!

*Vicki* said...

What a cool stencil and your blend looks stunning! LOVE

Stephanie Lanzalotto said...

Hi Vicki. I know I commented on your card before, but somehow my comments are going missing. I hope this one gets to you. Love the stencil you used here as well as your wonderful choice of blended colors. Great card!

Bobby said...

I love the inks you used for your blended background, Vicki.

cm said...

Have to love making a card that's both simple, yet incredibly eye-catching, as yours is. Love the colours!

Leslie said...

So pretty! Love that stenciled background!