Thursday, May 23, 2024

Seize the Birthday Challenge #284 - Metallics

The gallery should be very shiny for this challenge.

When I saw the challenge, I thought of metallic sequins, which in turn made me think of a shaker card.  I used a couple STAMPlorations products, Celebrate Big Word Die, along with the fun Shaker Balloon #3.

I used an older embossing folder for some added texture, and the sequins were from my stash.

Your turn!  Come on over to Seize the Birthday Challenge and play along.  While using metallics is optional, being a birthday is not.  Have fun!

Thanks for stopping by~
ps - I have used affiliated links in this post at no additional cost to you. (All you need to do is click on the highlighted links in my post). Thanks so much for the support!


Johanna said...

A great shaker card and the sequins are exactly right inside it. Pretty background.

Linda said...

Fun shaker card, Vicki, with your shiny gold metallics.

I Card Everyone said...

LOve that sentiment die, Vicki - so fab in your matte gold foil and WOW is it cool on this embossed panel!
I love your card! [and I don't even like blue! lol]

Lisa Elton said...

Terrific shaker card, Vicki!

TK said...

Very unique and pretty! Love the small shaker in the balloon, and the embossing texture and gold sequins really up the ante!

Verna Angerhofer said...

Great card and I love the shaker balloon!

*Vicki* said...

Wow I love all of the texture on this! Gorgeous shaker balloon with lots of shinny golds!

Barbara said...

There is just so much texture in this card all you needed was a nice big sentiment and a few sequence to make it shine. But then you add a shaker element which is amazing.

Colleen said...

Wow! Love the shaker balloon and fabulous celebrate big die!

Ashwini Rao said...

Love this clean look - and with a shaker too! The sequins really stand out and look awesome! Great card, Vicki!

Leslie said...

Awesome card with lots of shimmer! Love the shaker balloon!

JoAnn said...

Love your shaker card Vicki. The gold sequins are perfect and that big gold sentiment looks great on your lovely embossed background.

Glenda J said...

The purple and gold look really great together!

shirley-bee said...

Brilliant card, Vicki! I love the background, and that you confined the shaker element to one balloon.

Cathy said...

Great use of metallic sequins, love the shaker balloon! Gorgeous texture too. Thankyou for your get well wishes too, Cathy x