Thursday, October 13, 2022

Seize the Birthday Challenge - Faces

This is going to be a great challenge!  So many options.

I used a stencil from ARTplorations.  I do adore this image - so classy!  I added a few stenciled graphic images for added interest..

My sentiment is computer generated.

Your turn!  Come on over to the Seize the Birthday Challenge and play along.  While faces is an option, being a birthday card is not.  Hope you join in~

Thanks for stopping by~
ps - I have used affiliated links in this post at no additional cost to you. Thanks for the support!


*Vicki* said...

Wow, what a really classy and retro lady image! I love the graphic shapes with it too!

Barbara said...

Great idea to use color blocking on this classy image of a beautiful lady.

LeslieT said...

Love this! That IS a super classy card!

Lisa Elton said...


Verna Angerhofer said...

What a cool image and I love your card!

Dora said...

So beautiful and what a great style.

JulieP said...

I have to say, this is my favorite card of the bunch. So very cool and retro!

JoAnn said...

Lovely face on your card. Love the image and your spotlighting.

Nancy said...

Such a creative way to showcase a cool image! Awesome card!

shirley-bee said...

Sooo classy! It’s one of my favourite STAMPlorations stencils and I love how you’ve enhanced it with the colour blocking.

Ashwini Rao said...

Just a stamp and two blocks of color, and you've managed to make a gorgeous classic card! Simply wow!!

Cathy said...

Such an elegant image, gorgeous stencilling and the colour blocks look amazing with it, Cathy x

Colleen said...

Fabulous and classy!

Glenda J said...

Cool and classy!