Friday, March 25, 2022

Heartfelt Creations March Alumni Hop

It's that fun time of the month - Heartfelt Creations Alumni Hop is happening!

For this month, I used the Flowering Dogwood Cling Stamps and matching dies.  I have said this before, but having a die that cuts multiplies at once - game changing!  It makes these cards so much easier, and pretty with all the flowers.

I used some papers from the Wild Rose Collections, and a sentiment from Just For You Sentiments.

A close-up for your preview. [Pearls are from my stash].

That's it for me this month.  You can continue on with the hop by clicking on the Designer links below.  Meanwhile, don't forget to leave a comment [randomly drawn] for the $25 gift certificate to Heartfelt Creations.

Kathy Clement:  Kathy by Design - Vicki Dutcher: All I Do is Stamp - 

Carole Wright: The Pretty Paper Patisserie - Amarilys Doria: Amarilys’s Scrappy Corner

Lisa Gregory: What a Beautiful Mess - Candy Slabaugh: Candy’s Creations

Alissa Wells: Will Run For Stamps - Monica Edwards:  Simply Monica 

Oksana Clegg: Everyday Crafting

Thanks for stopping by~
ps - I might have used affiliated links in this post at no additional cost to you.


Kathy/NorthCarolina said...

Ooh! This is "plum" delicious, Vicki! What a fun way to use my favorite dogwood stamps! Thanks so much for hopping with us this month, my friend! xo

Lorna said...

Love your card Vicki. Never thought to do the Dogwoods in purple. They are stunning.

Carole Wright said...

Love the Dogwoods, love your card, fabulous x

sharon g said...

I just love the Dogwoods. We don't grow them here in southern CA, so I really appreciate them. And your colors are beautiful together.

Lisa Elton said...

Pretty card, Vicki! Love the pearls you added to the dogwood!

Marla Jean Owens said...

Hello from Iowa Vicki! Your card is so delightful! It makes me want to get my dogwood collection of paper, stamps and dies out to make a card with. Thank you for your inspiration. God bless you! Have a blessed weekend.

Psychomak said...

This was bold, bright and beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

Martie Rollin said...

Impressive card front! Nice use of colors. Wonderful dimension! Nice!

runzalot81 said...

Your card is so deliciously bold! Wild Rose and Dogwood make such a great match. Thank you for your inspiration.

Arlene Burke said...

Beautiful card. I love the colours you have chosen. ❤

Melanie Smith said...

Love your vibrant design. Beautiful work!

Angela Marquardt said...

Beautiful! Saucy vivid colors!

Harmon Debby said...

Very nice, purples are my favorite! Love the dogwoods!

Angela M said...

Beautiful! Such vivid colors!

Angela M said...

Such vivid color! Beautiful!

Jo Williams said...

Beautiful card.

Valerie Anderson said...

Lovely card, love the dogwood flowers and the colors!

LeslieT said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Those flowers look so real!

Kathy said...

Beautiful card!

*Vicki* said...

WOWZER!! This card is GORGEOUS Vicki! LOVE the blooms and the colors for sure!!

Unknown said...

So pretty and vibrant. Love the dogwood and easy to make lol.

Laurie Black said...

Gorgeous card! Love the purple and yellow combination.

ScrapperJanice said...

What a beautiful card - love the deep colors!

JoAnn said...

Beautiful card Vicki. Love the dogwood blossoms and the colors.