Thursday, March 10, 2022

CAS-ual Fridays Day

It's time for my CAS-ual Fridays Day here on the ole blog.  

It wasn't intentional that I ended with a masculine card for today, but when I got this done, it rather screamed male.  My win, as a lot of the cards I mail out do go to a guy.  What about you?  Do you send out a lot of masculine cards?

I used a [owned so long forgot who made it] chevron die, and stamped and embossed the HB2U sentiment from the Whole Shebang Stamp Set, on to a strip of vellum.

Another successful birthday card.  My stash of cards have dwindled since I have sold some!  [I love that!]

See you in a couple of weeks with another CAS-ual Fridays Day!

Thanks for stopping by~
ps - I might have used affiliated links in this post at no additional cost to you.


*Vicki* said...

Love the shades of blue here which is actually hubby's favorite color! So fun with the zig zags!!

Lisa Elton said...

Terrific guy card!

LeslieT said...

Love it! Awesome masculine card!