Sunday, March 6, 2022

Happy Little Stamper March Stencil Challenge

This is such an easy challenge~ :)
I went really CAS for this card today.  That said, I just adore BIG RED balloons! 
I finally broke down and ordered the Big Balloon Stencil from MFT.  I just love this stencil, and while I used it basically, there are many ways to place this on a card for added interest.

 All that said, it worked for this month's stencil card!

Your turn - come on over to Happy Little Stampers March Stencil Challenge, and play along.  You have all month to join in!

Thanks for stopping by~
ps - I might have used affiliated links in this post at no additional cost to you.


Lisa Elton said...

Love the big red balloon, cute card!

LeslieT said...

Love, love, love this! Nothing like a big red balloon, for sure! ;)

*Vicki* said...

Such a happy celebration card and great for anyone to receive it!

Carol L said...

Now this card is a great way to celebrate any occasion! That's a great stencil and I love how you used it!