Friday, August 13, 2021

Just Us Girls Challenge #597 - Trend Week

I'm Hostess for this week's challenge.  I do love black & white cards.  They are just classy, [and between you and me] really easy to make. :)

See what I mean - classy.  I started with a popped up hexagon image background, and added the Beautiful Flowers [with matching dies] from Simon Says.  This bouquet just speaks for itself in b&w.

I finished off with a sentiment strip.

That's it for me today.  I hope you want to join in the Trend Challenge over at JUGS.  The gallery will look amazing with your help ;)

Edited - added this into The Flower Challenge

Thanks for stopping by~


Lee Ann Barrett said...

This is gorgeous, Vicki!

LeslieT said...

Absolutely gorgeous! I'm also a huge fan of B&W cards!

Verna Angerhofer said...

Wonderful black and white design and I love the pretty cluster of flowers used on your slimline card. The background design is awesome too!

Lisa Kind said...

Great trend choice this week! Your card is beautiful. Love the addition of the hexagons.

Nancy said...

This is outstanding Vicki and I love your choice of challenges this week! Way to go!

Lisa Elton said...

Wow, Vicki this is FABulous!

Claire said...

Your comment that b & w cards are really easy to make made me laugh Vicki - I found it quite difficult! Your blooms look great against the honeycomb background. I definitely think that's the way to go - use an intricate and detailed stamp which doesn't need anything adding to it!

Viv said...

Such a stunning monochrome card Vicki! so classy too, thanks for sharing with us over at 'The Flower Challenge' ;) Viv DT xx

Sue VanDeVusse said...

This is stunning! Love the popped up hexagon background with that gorgeous flower spray. Fabulous choice for our challenge this week!

ElizStewart said... sorry it has taken me so long to pop by and tell you I LOVE the hex background on your card... very clever!

Ina G said...

Beautiful stamp Vicki and sure packs a punch in black and white. Love the hex background. Super challenge this week btw.

Bobby said...

The flowers are beautiful but that popped up hexagon background is stunning, Vicki.