Saturday, June 19, 2021

Addicted to CAS #200 and CAS-ual Fridays Day

It's time for the Addicted to CAS Challenge, and it is also CAS-ual Fridays day for my blog.  Once again, I combined them together.  I really do have a large stock pile of cards and they can become overwhelming.  Combining works for me.

I used a self made stencil for my "sun" using the CP Mini Inks Paradise Found, and the fun Champagne Flute Dies from CAS-ual Fridays for the 2 glasses.

I used the Pop Fizz Clink CFS stamp set for the sentiment.  This card will work well for a wedding to be.... I just haven't heard of one yet. LOL.

Okay, your turn.  Come on over to the Addicted to CAS Challenge and show us how you use sun on your card.  It will be a nice bright gallery for this challenge~

Thanks for stopping by~

I have used affiliate links in my post, what does this mean? If you click on the store links, not the photos, below and shop from them, I will receive a small commission from the sale which is no additional cost to you but compensates me for using the product and my time. Thanks so much!

CFS Champagne Flute Dies
CFS Champagne Flute Dies
Shop at:
CFS Pop Fizz Clink
CFS Pop Fizz Clink
Shop at:
CFS CP Mini Inks Paradise Found
CFS CP Mini Inks Paradise Found
Shop at:


Vicky Hayes said...

What a stunner of a card Vicki! There's something gorgeously graphic about it - it looks like a poster for some glamorous '20s cruise! Vicky x

Verna Angerhofer said...

This is so awesome with the yellow in the background and those nice big goblets. A great card for any congratulations event.

Lisa Elton said...

Excuse me while I ooh and aah a minute! This is fantastic, Vicki!

LeslieT said...

Yeah, what Lisa said! Absolutely gorgeous card!

Nancy said...

Great card!! cheers!

Barb Ghig said...

Love your sun rays with those fabulous champagne glasses, Vicki! Very pretty card!

Jaydee said...

Vicki, I love how bold this card is. The yellow, black and white are fabulous together.