Thursday, April 29, 2021

Seize the Birthday Challenge - Furry Friends

The gallery should be fun for this challenge!


I grabbed the fun mouse from Hero Arts Playful Animals [with matching dies], and went with an easel style card.  I think this style works to focus in on his cute face.

I made this in a masculine color combo too since 90% of my cards are for males.

Your turn.  Come on over to Seize the Birthday and play along.  While furry friends are an option, being a birthday card is not.  Hope to see you there.

Thanks for stopping by~


Verna Angerhofer said...

What a cutie! I don't like mice in the house but they sure look great on paper.

Lisa Elton said...

What a fun design, this is so cute!

Lindsey said...

So fun that we have more mice than other animals for our DT cards! This one is so cute, and your easel card is a lot of fun. Nicely done!

LeslieT said...

Super cute and I love the masculine feel! And I'm a sucker for fun folds! ;)

Ashwini Rao said...

Oooh, nice! The dark colors look awesome! The mouse looks like its perched on a frame, waiting expectantly for its treat!! Love it!!

Nancy said...

Love your fun fold and furry friend! Great card!

Barbara said...

This is a fun design and a CAS card! I enjoy the easel card.

Colleen said...

Perfect card design for this birthday card and cute little mouse too!

Cathy said...

Great easel card design and I love the bold stripes, the little mouse is a cutie too! Cathy x

Glenda J said...

Oh my gosh - how freakin' cute is this?! Well done.

JoAnn said...

Love the design of your card Vicki and the cute image.