Monday, May 3, 2010

Clean & Simple Challenge - Mom's Day/ flowers

This is my card from the CAS challenge over at SCS.  At lease here you can see it! 

Isn't it almost scary how dependent we have become on computers and/or sites~~ Seriously, when they don't work TOTAL FRUSTRATION - which is what I am experiencing with SCS all week end.  Cards? Nope can't see them - you can just see the title unless you pull it up to see it..  Apparently they are "having problems" - gee, ya think? - Okay that's my rant for the day - LOL.
Back to my card, I have been on a CAS kick this week end and also today, 1 stamp, punched flowers, a few gems and I'm done.  Not that crazy about this one, but it fit the challenge for a mom's day card and/or flowers.  I was going to put this is my blog challenge (red, white and blue) but I can't - I didn't use the right stamp.  Being the Team Coordinator, I am limited to only MFP stamps - however, I can share it with you!

Speaking of blog challenge - have you come on over to play?  Pretty easy challenge, red, white and blue - YOU can use any stamps you want!  The random winner receives 1 set of the new May stamp releases!  How cool is that~~  A few of you have entered and I REALLY APPRECIATE the support!  I want this challenge blog to be successful~~
Since SCS has asked us not to upload today, I am going to get busy and set up a few challenge cards I need to make.  Bye for now~~


craftieodmae said...

Very pretty! Love those colors

Betty Wright said...

Fantastic, Vicki! Beautiful colors and CAS styling! I KNOW what you mean about computers! LOTS of my friends live inside this dear old box, though! LOL!

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

I may just have to try this one, Vicki! Love your card1

Cat Tidwell said...

Awesome Vicki! Love the red/white/blue!

I know what you mean about SCS...why does some show and OURS dont? LOL

Julia Aston said...

Great Mother's Day Card Vicki! love the flowers with the dew drop centers and the sponged edge on your panel - It's really scary without SCS isn't it!?!?!

Karen (TLgirl353) said...

Very pretty card, Vicki. I just went to SCS and I could see all your stuff without a problem. Have you tried re-booting your computer?

jdmommy - Anne Harmon said...

I love this card for the 1st challenge! So clean, lots of white space! Just love it!!

Wanda Cullen said...

This is truly a lovely CAS card, Vicki! I need to get to your challenge...maybe tomorrow. There was a thread on SCS that mentioned we should clear our cache & cookies and it gave directions how to do it. I'm at work right now and don't have time to look it up. I did that on my computer at home and after several uploads that didn't show the pictures, it worked after I did the clearing process.

Bonnie McLain said...

Great card Vicki... love the colors and the way you 'worked' them... great card

Mary Marsh said...

I really like your cas card and the colors-I have made a card for the mfp challenge-I will upload it tomorrow

Payne Holler Cards said...

i love everyone else's cas cards - but mine never seem to work! this is so pretty!!!

Peggy said...

Very pretty red/white/blue card! Clean and simply elegant.
I am right there with you on the images at SCS. I hardly ever start at the home page so I missed the announcement that they were having problems. I tried to edit one of my cards and it ended up being deleted. I emailed them in total frustration and Beate emailed back with some helpful info.

Edna Morrisedie said...

Great job with all the white, and I love the clean look to this, makes the blossoms and sentiment stand out!