Sunday, May 2, 2010


Hopping blogland today, I came across a try out for a DT position for Just Us Girl Blog!  Well, I have been a fan and regular player with them since they started out - so, it seemed fate had me read the notice!  We need to make a card from this sketch >>>>

Make a 3D project (they do template challenges the last week of the month) and I chose this adorable project from Suzanne Dean over at SCS. (I am in love with these)


So, here is my combo picture of my completed project.  The insert  is the inside of the card, I am going to place a check underneath the black  portion (I should of done that for the photo - my bad)
I filled the little shoes with Starbursts.  Just what a graduate needs - sugar - to help them make it through the night of partying.. bawahahaha... 
Anyway, step 3 is to make a blog post so JUGS DT's can see the final product.  I am very happy with my "resume" for this tryout.  Wish me luck, and thanks so much for stopping by~~


Mary Marsh said...

great project and card-I wish you well gf with this tryout-those shoes are sooo cute

Edna Morrisedie said...

Great choice of colours for a grad card, love what you did with the sketch and the little shoes, good luck!

Mona Pendleton said...

Vicki - Both the card & lil baby shoes are really awesome! Great job with the sketch challenge & those shes are so precious! Thanks for your interest in the Just Us Girls DT - Good Luck :)

Claudine Poch said...

Great job on both! Best of luck to you.

Julia Aston said...

Love the colors and those sweet little shoes Vicki! I wish you luck!

Miesje said...

Oh my - I think your project is great and will hope for you to be selected. Love what you did Vicki! Good luck!

Unknown said...

You have my vote! Tehehe!
Great projects Vicki!
Good luck!
True :D

jdmommy - Anne Harmon said...

I love your graduate card, and those little shoes are fabulous!! Good Luck, GF!

Payne Holler Cards said...

OH MY! your project is fabulous!! I am wishin wishin wishin for you!!
I cant imagine them not chosing you...want to me to picket them for ya LOL

Joanne Travis said...

Good luck with the DT call, Vicki!! Your project is awesome!! Love the shoes.

Shirley said...

Great card and ideas, Vicki! Good luck!

redwasher1 said...

WOW! You did a fantastic job on your project!! Good Luck with the DT call!!

Wanda Cullen said...

Vicki, I'm sure you're a 'shoe-in' for this DT call - lol! You're on a lucky roll having won Judi's blog candy! Love this project done in green - my fave color!

AKiteFlier said...

What a fun grad card - it would be perfect for my niece! THe baby shoes are adorable - I have some bone china shoes like this for my kids :-)

Thanks for your interest in our DT call and thanks for being a regular player.

Bonnie McLain said...

Your project is great... love the colors ... great choice and the shoes are great too... Good luck Vicki...

Cathleen said...

Oh how pretty Vicki, I just adore the shoes...good luck!

Alicia Weiman said...

This is great. Love the shoes. My Mom has created these before and they are so cute in person!

Dana Gustafson said...

Vicki those shoes are adorable and I love your gift giving card too. Thansk somuch for submitting your wonderful project for our DT call and for playing with us week after week. WE truly appreciate it!

Andrea M said...

Great grad card! And those baby shoes are FANTASTIC! What a lovely project!!! They look amazing - super cute!

Andrea M said...

Also, thank you so much for your sweet comments! You really are too kind :)

Anonymous said...

Very cute! I just love that green! Cute shoes :)

Maria said...

Vicki, what a fabulous job on the sketch and template. Those booties are adaorable, so cute for a graduate. Thanks so much for submitting for the JUGS call!