Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Just Us Girls Challenge #727 - Moodboard Week

I say this every time, but seriously, I love mood boards!  I look forward to this challenge.

I was inspired by the general beachy theme.  I also used my favorite die to create the "beach".  Of course, you can't go wrong with fun mirror sunglasses and some sea shells. 😀

My go-to sea sentiments are from the OOB Inspired By Stamping.  I adore this set!

Your turn!  Come on over to the JUGS #727 and show us how you are inspired!  I can't wait for the gallery this week!

Thanks for stopping by~


cm said...

A perfect beach-themed card in every way!

Verna Angerhofer said...

Cool card design using the beach theme!

TK said...

If seashells and sunglasses don't give you beachy vibes, I'm not sure what will. Great card, Vicki, and great images to bring us to that relaxing state of mind

*Vicki* said...

Wow, this is such a perfect representation of the challenge! I love the shine in those sunglasses...would love to be there!

Carol said...

I see the moodboard colors in your card and I like that you did a beach scene in the shell...very creative. Those cool shades scream beach too.

I Card Everyone said...

You can say that again, Vicki! I think I hear the ocean in that big shell!

ElizStewart said...

Vicki... I think I love that sentiment set too! There is a new "ocean" sentiment set from Paper Rose that I have my eye on. Love the giant seashell as a backdrop. Great card.

Bobby said...

I love how you created the beach scene within the seashell, Vicki. So cool!

Lisa Elton said...

How fun are those sunglasses! Marvelous card, Vicki!

My Paper Epiphany said...

Brilliant! I love this fun collage. The reflective glasses are gorgeous:)

Stephanie Lanzalotto said...

I love the way you inked the ocean, and those mirrored sunglasses are fantastic!

Leslie said...

Ooooh, I really love this! Anything beach is good!