Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Happy Little Stampers December Stencil Challenge

This is the very last HLS Stencil Challenge.  
I started with my partial stenciled background, and then shifted the stencil and inked on a darker green.  Yeah, didn't quite get the effect I wanted.  This looks like the stencil shifted accidentally. Sheesh.  I'm going with it anyway.

The sentiment is from an older Hero Arts Stamp Set, Stamp & Cut Holiday Tree. [I was surprised this is still available - through Wal Mart no less!]  I glued on a few die cut foliage and stashed sequins, and this card is done.
Your turn!  We hope you join in this last challenge of HLS Stencil.  I'm going to miss creating for this team.

Thanks for stopping by~


Lisa Elton said...

That background is kind of mesmerizing! Terrific card, Vicki!

TK said...

Beautiful greens and greenery! I love that you tried something new, even if it isn't your favorite -- it may just tickle someone green!

Verna Angerhofer said...

Great design and l love all that pretty green!

LeslieT said...

Love this! The shifting of the stencil actually gives this card background tons of dimension! I think it turned out great!