Saturday, April 1, 2023

AAA Birthday Challenge - Layer It Up

I do love a good layered card!  The gallery should be fun for this challenge.

5 layers!  Works for me :).  The seahorse die is fun, and I have no idea what company it is from!  [Have I mentioned how bummed I am NOT keeping labels for my dies...]

The framework, and scalloped circle are both discontinued.  The HB is from Simon Says Magical Birthday.

Your turn!  You have all month to join in over at AAA Birthday Challenge with your layered birthday card.

Thanks for stopping by~
ps - I have used affiliated links in this post at no additional cost to you. (All you need to do is click on the highlighted links in my post). Thanks so much for the support!


Cardsbymaaike said...

love your colors Vicky, all the teals and seaglass like colors, are so pretty together.

Elaine aka Ellapu said...

Really effective use of layers and that seahorse is so cute xx

Verna Angerhofer said...

Cute tag design on your card you made.

*Vicki* said...

Brilliant job with all of the layers here! Great idea to add the tag and papers for extra layers!

Lisa Elton said...

Perfectly layered, perfectly fabulous!

LeslieT said...

Love this! Awesome colors and that seahorse is amazing!

Julia Aston said...

Love the beachy colors on this Vicki!