Saturday, August 13, 2022

One Layer Card Challenges

It wasn't planned, but today is all about One Layer Card Challenges.  While I have been creating many CAS cards lately, not so much the fun one layered cards.

It started with Less is More #471; OLC + favorite flower, and I also joined in Use Your Stuff #454; Nature, and finally, Inkspirational #271; One Layer Stamping.

I started with a self made circle stencil, and sponged on ink.  I used an old Hero Arts flower stamp [wood based no less!], along with a sentiment from Simon Says Clean Line Everyday.


I went on to join in AAA Cards #221; Small & Few Lady(bugs), and Inkspirational #271; One Layer Stamped Card.

I just love this ant from Lawn Fawn Happy Summer!  He makes me smile every time I use him.

I used a different sentiment from Simon Says Clean Line Everyday.

On a side note, I learned a new trick today [after blogging for what 15 years now?] from my friend Carol Mayne [cm as she is known] - you can enter 2 cards from the same blog post, into the same challenge!  [I am trying it today] by adding #a to the very end of your link. [Follow up, it works!] 

Meanwhile, thanks Challenges!  I had a great day in the stamp room :)

Thanks for stopping by~
ps - I have used affiliated links in this post at no additional cost to you. Thanks for the support!


ÅsaJ said...

This card is just too cute! Love that little ant! Thanks for joining AAA Cards! Hugs Åsa

LeslieT said...

These are both awesome! Love the CAS!

Verna Angerhofer said...

Both cards are so well designed and rich in colors. I love both of them. Great job!

*Vicki* said...

These are both wonderful CAS designs Vicki! Love that geometric coloring on the top card and how cute is that tiny ant!! You're on a roll with the challenges!!

Lisa Elton said...

Two fabulous CAS cards, Vicki!

Deborah Wheeler said...

Love these Vicki - I sometimes think one layered cards can be the hardest to make!

Kathyk said...

Two cards which are a delight to see


Stephanie Lanzalotto said...

Both of your cards are fabulously CAS! I love the design of the first one for LIM. Love the way you highlighted that wonderful flower. Thanks for playing with us at Less Is More.

Marlena M. said...

Both of your one layer creations pop Vicki! We appreciate you joining us at INk; these are perfect. Thank you for the blogging tip too!

Nancy said...

Such beautiful cards Vicki!!! Thank you so much for playing along with us at AAACards and Less is More!

perfectly4med said...

Lovely makes, with the flower against your colourful background particularly catching my eye. Thanks for playing along with us at Less is More.
