Friday, April 1, 2022

Just Us Girls Challenge #626 - Word Week


I went a different way with this word.  I used the STAMPlorations Ovals Flexi-Template to "make" the eggs with sponging.

After sponging the "outside" of the "egg", I used a couple of stencils ( ) to make a pattern on the "eggs".

For the final "egg", I cut the card in an oval shape.  Hey, a different way using the word for a unique card.  It was kind of fun to make too.

Your turn.  Come on over to the JUGS Challenge #626 and pay along.  Many ways of creating with "egg".

Thanks for stopping by~
ps - I might have used affiliated links in this post at no additional cost to you.


ElizStewart said...

Vicki... such a great idea to create an egg or oval card! Loving it!

cm said...

Vicki, your eggs-on-an-egg card is wonderfully pretty and inspiring! Love it!

*Vicki* said...

This is really awesome Vicki! I love how these egg layers are all visible in their layers! The shape really helps with your vision! Nicely done!

Carol L said...

What a super cute and fun egg card! I love the double image effect!

Julia Aston said...

What a gorgeous result from your stenciling and masked sponging Vicki!

LeslieT said...

Thinking outside the box is awesome! Great card!

Bobby said...

What a great way to use a stencil to make eggs, Vicki, and then to turn it into a shaped card was so creative.

Lisa Elton said...

Love the direction you took, Vicki this is pretty!

Mac Mable said...

Fabulous stencilling and love your creative take on the challenge Vicki x.

Nancy said...

Such a creative direction! I like it!

Carol said...

Great take on "egg" this week!

Ina G said...

What great thinking Vicki. Fabulous!

Liz Williams said...

Such a cool design, Vicki. I was so glad to get to play along this week.

Sue VanDeVusse said...

I am loving your fabulous, stenciled eggs! So very creative and love that you made it into an oval/egg shaped card.

Lisa Kind said...

This is so cool! I love the double stenciling. Pretty card!