Friday, May 21, 2021

Just Us Girls Challenge #585 - Photo Inspiration Week

Well, I fell in love with this inspiration photo!  The timing of this could not have been been better in the timing too.  I needed a wedding card, and boy do I love the end result!

You can never go wrong with burlap and lace for a wedding card!  In the recipients' case, they are into cowboy boots and barns -- yep, again can't go wrong with burlap and lace.  The perfect card.

I sprinkled on some black paint and then I layered the next few items, and finally the sentiment.  I am thrilled with my card this week.  Cécile, you couldn't have picked better, for me anyway. 😀

Your turn.  How does the photo inspire you?  Come on over to JUGS Challenge #585 and play along!

Thanks for stopping by~


LeslieT said...

Wow, the texture on this is so cool! Love it!

Lisa Elton said...

I love the end result too, so pretty!

Bobby said...

I wish I'd thought of something like this when a grandson had his reception in a barn with burlap runners on the table. Must be the going thing. Your card is perfect for the couple, Vicki, and I love the mix of burlap and lace.

Nancy said...

You are so creative! Love it!

Macimbalo said...

This is so gorgeous, love all the texture and the white space makes it perfect!

Sue VanDeVusse said...

Your design is awesome! Love the combination of the lace, burlap and splatters.

Ina G said...

That photo just screamed burlap lace and twine and we certainly both picked up on the same thoughts with this one Vicki. Love the splatters, that beautiful heart, the patch of burlap and that perfect heart ribbon. Awesome wedding card.

Cécile RIBON said...

Wow! Vicki! If your card were in the gallery it definitely would be the chic of the week! I'm totally in love with this super classy design!

Lisa Kind said...

Wow this is pretty and so different for a wedding card! I love that it fit with the couple's design.