Monday, May 31, 2021

A New Email System

No card today, just a notification.  Feel free to copy and paste this for your blog if you want. 
I assume by now that you've all heard about Blogger discontinuing their Feedburner email subscription service as of July this year. 
What that means is, if you receive an email notification each time I publish a new blog post then as of July that will no longer be happening ...... eeek!!!
Now, technology and me ..... never been a good match.  Anything complicated and I'm totally confused.  Hubby's no help because he doesn't understand Blogger, so ........... I've been doing a bit of research, and came up with this new free system.
I've checked out my email subscribers list for All I Do Is Stamp,  and WOW! ..... a lot of names 900+!

I myself have received email notifications from this, for Blogs that I follow so I thought I would give it a go.  The only down side is I can't seem to get my email subscribers list to import in full as they limit it to 100.
So ....... I've gone through my email subscribers list and picked out just a handful of the addresses that I know and added those to my feed.  Hopefully these will now receive an email confirmation of new blog posts and everything will work fine! Fingers crossed.

So, if you used to receive an email notification and now you don't, but you would like to continue to subscribe via email, can I please ask you to sign up again using the new form over on the right hand side. I'm really sorry for any inconvenience ........ blame Blogger!!!

This change is going to effect so many of us ...... why do they do it!?  If it ain't broken, don't fix it comes to mind.

This has been partially copied from Linda over at Life in the Craft Lane.  I did get her post, and I also signed up for her blog posts with this new system.  That said, IT WORKED beautifully. 

I hope you sign up for my posts -- it's on the right sidebar.  I'm looking forward to seeing how many of you continue with my blog..... :) I've checked out my email subscribers list for All I Do Is Stamp,  and WOW! ..... a lot of names 900+!  I'm hoping I get at least 2/3rds re-signing up...

Thanks for stopping by~

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