Friday, August 27, 2010


(For SCF Challenge go down one post)

DH picked a number and the LUCKY WINNER IS --- LINDA PAYNE~~ CONGRATULATIONS Linda!!  Please contact me at with your mailing address so I can get your goodies out to you!
Thanks everyone who stopped by, posted my candy, and left me a comment!!  It was fun to read all your nice comments!  What was so exciting is I had people from all over the world drop in and visit!  Isn't the internet just a fabulous place!  I love stamping and sharing my creations with all of you!  I hope you will continue to pop in and see what is happening here at All I Do Is Stamp even though you didn't win.
On a personal note, I had lasik eye surgery today - FABULOUS to be able to see the computer WITHOUT my glasses!  i will be taking it easy over this week end so the blog might be quiet... but than again you never know - come Sunday I just might have to create something!  We'll see.
Again, thanks to all of you for popping in!!!  Sincerely,


Theresa Momber said...

Congrats, Vicki! That is awesome.

Congrats to Linda, too!

Marisa said...

I'm jealous!! I SO want to get that surgery. Hopefully some day :)

KarenB said...

Thanks so much for hosting and congrats to the winner.
You won't know yourself after Lasik, Vicki. I had it done a few years ago (and the technology is even better these days) and it made a huge difference to my life. I can now do big squishy hugs with my daughter, go swimming in the ocean, and switch between all sorts of tasks without worrying about having the right set of glasses with me. You'll love it :)

Benzi said...

Congrats to Linda for winning the blog candy and you, Vicki, for getting the lasik eye surgery. Have a good, restful weekend!

Theresa's Studio said...

Congrats to Linda. Good luck on the lasik surgery. Follow your dr's orders and take it easy this weekend.

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

Congrats to Linda, and please rest and enjoy your new eyesight, Vicki!

Karen (TLgirl353) said...

Congrats to Linda!! Lucky Lady!

Mirabelka said...

take good care of your eyes!

Julia Aston said...

So glad all went well Vicki!

Deb Neerman said...

Yippee! You can see airy-ding! Hope you're recovery is going well! Sending hugs!

Rosa Forino said...

congratulazioni alla vincitrice un saluto a te ciao

craftieodmae said...

congrats Linda!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Linda, how cool is that? CONGRATULATIONS!!

Payne Holler Cards said...

that's me!!! happy happy day!!!

but GF, please rest your eyes - how wonderful to be able to see without glasses - especially in the you can see if your using the shampoo or the conditioner LOL

Lagene said...

Good luck with recovery & adjustment to your lasik surgery! & congrats Linda Payne for your WIN!