Sunday, April 18, 2010

SCS - TLC269 - Piercing

This is for the TLC269 challenge over at SCS.  I went really easy - just have piercing on your card.  See, easy right?  Now, as you can see, I just stayed with basic piercing - there are some templates out there for elaborate decorations - none of which I have LOL.  I hope you are able to play in today's challenge~ I'll look for you!!  Thanks for stopping by~


Marisa said...

I just finish commenting on a card and you post another one LOL! You've been busy today :D Love your colour combo and the wonderful simplicity of this card.

craftieodmae said...

I can't keep up with all your gorgeous cards!!! I love this one too.

Cassie said...

Wow, do I ever love that color combo! This is such a gorgeous card, Vicki ;D

Edna Morrisedie said...

Love the clean spaces on this one, nice straight piercing too, well done!

Becky said...

Gorgeous colors and gorgeous card.

Joanne Travis said...

Gorgeous, Vicki!! I love this set and your colors are fabulous.

Silke Ledlow said...

So so gorgeous Vicki!!! Love this card and your challenge!!! Hugs ~S~

Francie G. said...

Beautiful, Vicki! Your piercing is fabulous! Beautifully done!

Joanne (jojot) said...

great job hosting the challenge...and your card is drop dead gorgeous

Peggy said...

Absolutely beautiful! Love the piercing!

Mary Marsh said...

this is a real beauty vicki-and your piercing is so fab-I wasnt able to play in the tlc challenge today-I was out all day picking paint colors

Patti P. said...

Vicki, love this card....what is this stamp set? I really like how it looks. Your piercing is perfect!

Patti P. said...

Vicki, love this card....what is this stamp set? I really like how it looks. Your piercing is perfect!

Bonnie McLain said...

This card is so very pretty and I really enjoyed your choice of challenges... great time... thanks Vicki... but back to this card.. the whole card is wonderful, but the ribbon really makes the card sing an octave higher... love it all..

Betty Wright said...

Vicki, these colors and your coloring are fabulous! Love the layout and your pierce detailing! Lovely card!

Cathleen said...

This is so pretty Vicki, I love this color combo and the piercing is fabulous!