Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Prayers Please and a couple of posts

Okay Ladies - I am asking for your help.  I have taken my son (15) into the dr the last 2 days.  2 weeks ago he scraped his knee  while riding his dirt bike.  Yesterday it was twice the size it should be and red.  So, I took him to Urgent Care - they proceeded to inform me it was a skin infection - here is a RX for antibiotics - treat with warm compresses 2x day 20 min a time.  Okay - this is pretty basic.  Nothing was  broken and infection was not in the bone (they took an xray)  TODAY he gets home from school and his knee is RED from mid-thigh to mid shin and his pain went from a 5 to 8~~we headed back to the dr.  He lanced it to release some pressure and took a culture THEY ARE CHECKING FOR MERSA!!  OMG I am so afraid for my son right now I can hardly breath!  I don't want him to see how worried I am, so I am hiding in my stamp room (typing this).  Now, he is saying he has red by his crotch area and IT IS WARM!  Excuse the language but SHIT~~  I know how our ER works at pm (8 hour wait if you aren't bleeding) - if it looks like the same in the am we are off to ER (dr said if it looked worse go there) for intravenous antibiotics!!  I have never been exposed to stuff like this~~ the worst for me (and my son) was ear infections at age 2~~~ I have had colds.. I have learned more in the past 2 days than I ever had about infections.. I almost feel ignorant - but... I really had no reason to know.  Bottom line - please say a prayer for my son~~

Just so you don't just have to read, here are  a couple of  projects I did last pm.
This project is for Karen's STV challenge Anything but a Card.  An acrylic bookmark.  How cool is this!  This was a really fast and easy project, and one I will use since I do read..in my spare time (LOL)  I used GKD Botanical Dreams, illustrated by Asela Hopkins.
For my sun, I punched out a circle on a post it, laid it on the paper - sponged summer sun and really rust at the bottom.  Wheat is colored lightly with copics, and I sponged around the edges.

This card is for the SCS Color Challenge - gray, apricot and sage with a neutral - I choose white.
This is my FIRST use of Mark's Finest Papers stamps.  This set is called Ladybugs & Carnations  - it will be available mid May.  These are acrylic stamps, that stamp beautifully, and really are beautiful images!  Watch for future use of this set by me to see the other images - there are 19 combination images and sentiments in just this set alone!

Ladies THANKS so much for stopping by and leaving your wonderful, supportive comments - you are all just the best!!


jovialjudi said...

Vicki! My heart goes out to you! Sending prayers on up too!! Hopefully it was caught in enough time. Nothing is worse than worrying over our loved ones. We have 2 sons so I can relate. Beautiful cards too sweetie!! Your stamp room is a good place to be. Please keep us posted when you can. Love ya!! Hugs, Judi

Peggy said...

Oh Vicki, what a stressful time for you! He definitely needs antibiotics and looked at by an Infectious Disease doc. My brother had a bout with this over the Christmas holidays. Very serious stuff. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Your bookmark and card are fabulous!

Payne Holler Cards said...

i didnt even finish reading your post - wanted to let you know I am already praying for your son...will pop over to STV now and put in the prayer thread to....hang on there girl!!!
got to have faith that God has this in His hands for whatever reason ....
big hug!!!

Marisa said...

Gorgeous bookmark and card. My heart goes out to you as a mom dealing with a sick child! Praying things get under control (((hugs)))

Patti J said...

Am praying for you and your son. Sounds very serious. Please go to a big hospital with an infectious disease doc! Keep us posted! Hugs and prayers...

Edna Morrisedie said...

I hope by the time you get this comment that you have had an improvement with your son, scary spice, he definitely needs IV drugs, you don't want the toxins to get into his bones or his blood!! A big wish and prayer across the ocean for you all.

Fab cards, just great that you can hide away and post in your creative space!!

Keep us updated, hugs, E.

Lisa Lara said...

Oh Vicki, I am so sorry about the scarey situation you are faced with at this time. I am definitely praying for you, your son and your family. Trust your gut and divine guidance. I have found mother's have an intuition doctor's don't. Hang in there. Gorgeous creations too.

Nancy Jensen said...

I urge you to take him to the hospital. I don't want to scare you but I don't want to sugar coat things either.

Horrible things can happen with an infections especially if it gets into the blood stream or the bone. If the red area expanded that much that fast then you may not have a lot of time to catch it. My husband stepped on a nail quite a few years ago and went to ER, had it cleaned out was put on antibiotics, etc. 2 days later he had to be rushed back to the hospital for an infection and he spent 5 days there fighting gangrene. He almost lost his foot.

The only reason that I knew what to look for was that I've had a lot of experience with medical stuff. My daughter has been through 5 heart surgeries, multiple other surgeries, strokes, blood infection post surgery, etc.... all by the age of 7.

I feel like I've been through it all .... maybe so I can reach out and help others.

Please let us know what happens. If your son's leg looks much better then at least call his doctor. He may still need IV antibiotics. As others have said, trust in divine guidance. God has given us amazing medical advances to improve and lengthen our lives. My daughter is living proof of this. No one expected her to live past age 3 and she is almost 22 yrs old.

I'll be checking back to see how your son is doing. I have sons ages 14, 16 and 24 and I would freak out if anything like this happened to either of them too.

Sending prayers!

Becky said...

Vickie, hugs and prayers coming to you & your son. As others have said in their posts, you definitely need to go to an Infectious Disease specialist or a Wound Care Clinic. I don't know what city/state you are in, but there are good dr's everywhere. Keep us posted and we'll keep on saying prayers for you & your son.

Theresa Momber said...

Vicki, sending loads of prayers and hugs right now! Please keep us informed and hang in there.

Julia Aston said...

So sorry for your son - and so glad you are keeping on top of it- be sure he gets those antibiotics - and don't wait.

I love your bookmark - I make lots of these but never thought to use acetate for the base - great idea!

And your color challenge card is just lovely - what a great stamp with the butterfly!

You are in my prayers and thoughts Vicki!

Brenda said...

Vicki I am praying for your son and your family. I will be checking back to see how he is doing.

Gorgeous card and bookmark!

NinaB said...

Praying for you and your son, Vicki.

Carla S. said...

Sending prayers for you and your son, Vicki. How scary! Please let us know how he is when you can.

joy said...

I will be praying for your son. So sorry. The intravenous antibiotics will be the best for him. I know this is hard on you and on him.
Love your acrylic bookmark. I've been inspired by yours to try using some!

Cheri said...

Will be praying for you and your son, Vicki!

AKiteFlier said...

Hang in there Vicki - I'm praying for your son and for you. It's so hard as a mom sometimes to watch our children suffer through medical issues. Hope all is well SOON. HUGS. BTW - love the bookmark too :-)

Karen (TLgirl353) said...

Vicki- You and your son are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong, gf.

jdmommy - Anne Harmon said...

Vicki, I hope by the time you read these comments, your son is taking some antibiotics to fight that infection!! There is nothing harder to deal with than our children't health issues!! Hugs to you! Love your bookmark and card!

Susan Payton said...

Here are some prayers for your son. My grown son had MRSA once, but he was not living here at home. The good news after treatment all that is left now is a scar, so hang in there.
Your blog is great also, thank you for letting me visit.

redwasher1 said...

Vicki, I'm praying for your son and you!! I know you are going through a rough time right now! Hang in there!! We are all praying for your son!

Cassie said...

Oh goodness, Vicki, that sounds horrible! I'm worried right along with you, and saying a prayer for both you and your son. Keep us posted.

Jennie said...

Vicki ~ Just heard about this on CSS... Wanted to let you know I am thinking about you and praying for your son. As well as for you.... Please keep us updated. MRSA is a scary thing, I was tested for it a year ago (turned out to be staph) and know something small can turn into something bigger than you ever imagined. {{{HUGS}}}

Wanda Cullen said...

Vicki, the mom in me is praying hard for a quick recovery for your son. The RN in me is saying don't wait until morning...it really sounds like IV antibiotics are a necessity. MRSA is fairly common - if that's what he has (here's a link: http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/understanding-mrsa-methicillin-resistant-staphylococcus-aureus) and it does need immediate attention. Hugs and prayers to you!

Wanda Cullen said...

Doh! I was so concerned for your son that I forgot to comment on your LOVELY cards...both are GORGEOUS!

Becky said...

I am so sorry to hear about your son. I know how you feel. I am praying for your son and you. Blessings

Janice M said...

Vicki you and your son are in my thoughts and prayers! ((hugs))

Patti P. said...

Vicki, I am so sorry to hear about this. Will say prayers until we know he is o.k. Please keep us informed. I will check back often for an update.
Also, love your creations. I love that stamp set by Mark's.
Take care and try not to be too upset.

Becky Jo said...

Didn't even finish reading your post yet - will later. Had to send hugs and prayers to you and your family! Will watch for an update and pray for good news! Hugs!!

Vicky Gould said...

How scary for both of you. I am so sorry to learn this. Prayers on the way!

Diana Q said...

OMG...Vicki...love you!...hang in there...I'm praying up a storm right NOW. Hugs, Diana Q