Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The Male Room Challenge #196 - Mixed Media

I really enjoy creating mixed media projects.  While I don't like doing it all the time, I do love a challenge requiring it.

This one was very easy to create! I went into my self- made paper container, grabbed a few sheets, and glued down onto a panel.  Pretty much done.  I added some splatters [added interest], along with a sentiment strip and yep, it's done.  This my Followers was a 10 minute card.  

I totally love the end result!

Your turn.  There are so many ways of creating a mixed media card! You can upload your card HERE. I am looking forward to the gallery~

Thanks for stopping by~


Verna Angerhofer said...

Fantastic collage of ingredients for a masculine man design!

TK said...

Another bold design for your masculine stash! Great use of the mixed media, and so much to peruse -- another great card, Vicki!

MortiCraft said...

Super card and it's always great when a card is so quick to make! x