Saturday, January 18, 2025

CutCardStock Day

Yay, it's Saturday again, so you know what that means?  Yep, CCS Day!

I went with a geometrical card.  I do love them, and they work perfectly for a masculine card [which I need].

Because of the big sentiment, [it did cover a lot of the fun shapes], you don't get the full geometrical feel.  However, I still like it.  Okay, here are the colors that I used;

Bright White 130#

Lessbo Amazon Dark Teal

Dolphin Gray

Textured Indio Blue 


The added gems are from my stash, and they helped to balance out the card.

See ya next Saturday~

Thanks for stopping by~
ps - I have used affiliated links in this post at no additional cost to you. (All you need to do is click on the highlighted links in my post). Thanks so much for the support!


Lisa Elton said...

This is a great masculine card, love all of the shapes!

Verna Angerhofer said...

Beautiful geometric design and I love the colors. A wonderful masculine feel to this card!

TK said...

wonderful geometric design, and my mind's eye sees all those glorious shapes!

LeslieT said...

Love this! Bold and wonderful!