Friday, January 14, 2022

Just Us Girls Challenge #615 - Color Week

These colors are going to help make some lovely cards!  I'm looking forward to the gallery.

For my card, I used a self made balloon stencil.  [Yeah, somewhere I have an actual balloon stencil, but, no surprise, I can't find it.]

The happy in silver glitter paper makes it very special, and the birthday is a cut sentiment strip.

I'm not sure who the bow is from, but it worked to "hold" the balloons together.  A very basic card, but I think it works well using the colors.

Your turn - come on over to the JUGS Challenge #615 and play along.  Can't wait to see what you create.

Thanks for stopping by~
ps - I might have used affiliated links in this post at no additional cost to you.


LeslieT said...

Love it! And you're right... awesome color palette!

ElizStewart said...

Vicki... so impressed with your balloon stencil and your hand drawn strings. I could never do hand would be all wobbly. The silver, glittery Happy pulls it all together so nicely! You should submit to Double D today for their sixth birthday (party balloons) challenge.

*Vicki* said...

Awesome balloons! Love the sparkly silver sentiment!

Lisa Elton said...

Look at you go, you did a great job on your stencil! Love the sparkly sentiment, this is delightful!

Nancy said...

You have enticed me to get out my new balloon stencil that for some reason I had to purchase at least 6 months ago and never used! Nice birthday card!

Ina G said...

Love 'your' balloons and that big silvery Happy die looks amazing.

Sue VanDeVusse said...

Your balloons look fabulous and love that you made your own stencil! That big happy in the silver glitter looks great on this. Will your stencil be making another appearance in the near future! :)

Stef Perry said...

So impressive that you made your own stencil Vicki, and your ink blending has perfect shading! I'm with Elizabeth, I finding hard to hand draw those lines, so well done on that front too. That glittery sentiment just tops it off beautifully!

Liz Williams said...

Love that sparkly "happy" and those fabulous big balloons.

cm said...

Nothing says 'happy birthday' better than balloons...and these are lovely! Talk about a pretty card!

Lisa Kind said...

Love those blue balloons and the sparkly sentiment!

Bobby said...

Balloons are always great for a birthday card and so is the sparkley 'happy', Vicki.