Friday, November 20, 2020

Just Us Girls Challenge #563 - Color Week

For this week's challenge, I went digging into some of my older stamps from Gina K.  I used Vogue Vases, illustrated by Teresa Momber.  [Gosh I am surprised it is still available]

A clean and very simple card.  Gets the point across though, and uses the colors.  Win-win.

Okay, your turn.  Come on over to the JUGS Challenge #563, and show us how you use the colors.

Thanks for stopping by~


Sue VanDeVusse said...

I love it! That purple vase with the greenery look great with that blue halo. Perfect CAS creation and everyone needs to know we are thinking of them.

Joyce said...

Beautiful card, and I love how you have used the colors in your design. Yes, now I see what you were saying about thinking alike for our cards. But, yet also so different. It's amazing how we could have the same colors and even same idea about flowers in a container, and yet our cards are so very different.

Verna Angerhofer said...

Beautiful colors and design.

Carole said...


cebelica said...

Wow, this brings CAS to a whole new level. Love it! xx

Lisa Elton said...

Wonderfully CAS and ever so pretty!

LeslieT said...

Beautiful stamps and CAS design! Love that color palette, too!

Ina G said...

One of my first and favourite GK stamps. Lovely cas card Vicki.

Nancy said...

You can still buy that set! I can't believe it either. I own it too! This came out PERFECT! Love it! Happy Thanksgiving Vicki!

Bobby said...

That circle highlights the fern so well, Vicki, and the bright purple vase just pops.

Macimbalo said...

So perfectly CAS! Love it!

Macimbalo said...

So pretty, love the CAS perfection!

cm said...

WOW! Fabulous use of the palette, this pretty vase and fern, with the blended circle offering a background 'halo'! CAS-loving heart captured!

Lisa Kind said...

Simply beautiful Vicki. Love the layout!