Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Just want to update to all my (cyber) SUPPORTING friends!  DH & I took our son to Children' Hospital in Phoenix this morning.  GOOD NEWS!  Dr said it looked like it was receding (the dr here drew a line) and to give the antibiotics 2 more days.  I might over reacted this am when I thought it looked worse- couldn't help it~ this is MY baby! (and, I just don't have the confidence in the drs in my town) - So, between ALL your prayers - THANKS SO MUCH - and Children's Hospital  I am a happy stamper once again!

I really can't say how moved I was by all of your support and prayers - and I even know how to spell the medical term MRSA~ so thank you each and every one of you!!  You all ROCK in my book~  Sincerely, Vicki


Patti J said...

What a blessing it is to know that your DS is doing better! Prayer is a powerful thing! Keep us posted!

Mary Marsh said...

vicki I was online last night but I guess you posted your request for prayer later. I am sending prayers your way now for him & you. The bible says God's ears are attentive to our prayers.
Keep us updated as to how he is doing

jovialjudi said...

Vicki! This is sounding much better! Will continue to keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. I am very happy with the news. Hugs, Judi

Joanne Travis said...

Oh Vicki, I didn't know this was all going on. You and your son and all of your family will be in my prayers. I am so happy that you got good news, what a blessing!!

Payne Holler Cards said...

whew! I dont know how to spell mersa either and didnt care - could feel your panic and as a mom completely understood it...happy dance here for you and son and DH!

Silke Ledlow said...

OMG Vicki...I just read your posts...and I'm so happy it was not as serious!!! I'm like you...these are our babies and we only want the best for them!!!

I'm praying for a quick recovery!!! Big hugs to you all!!! ~Silke~

Theresa Momber said...

What wonderful news, Vicki! I'm so thankful!

Bonnie McLain said...

Vicki, all prayers are being sent to him... and he will get over this.. Hydrogen peroxide (food grade) is wonderful for these kinds of things too.. cleans up wounds so nice... but prayers are coming his way... and I will continue... You my dear need to go make a few cards... take your mind off it... stamp and make dp and play... try to send him healing love... Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie

jdmommy - Anne Harmon said...

What wonderful news!! Thanks for letting us in on the great report from the Dr. We ALL will breathe easier for you now, Vicki! Hugs!!

Patti P. said...

Vicki, so glad you got good news! I know that prayers can make a difference and I will continue to pray for you and yours. Glad you have more peace of mind and maybe you can rest tonight.
Take care!

Marisa said...

Good on you for protecting your baby! A mother's instinct is always the best and there is nothing sweeter for a mother's heart than to hear some good news! I'm sure you and your family will sleep much better tonite :D

Wanda Cullen said...

Getting a second opinion is often a very good thing! I'm a firm believer in the power of prayer and we can praise God you've had answers already! Hugs to you! BTW, I have a nephew who married a girl from AZ and they are living in Phoenix. She's a teacher...he lost his job with the economy issues and is looking for a job. Small world.

Edna Morrisedie said...

Fantastic news, what a relief, I hope the recovery is speedy and you can tick that one of as dealt with real soon! Thank the good Lord!!!

Robbie said...

I just saw your first post on this and went to your site. I'm so happy that things turned out all right. I was so worried. Glad you are a concerned mom in which you keep a close eye on things. Don't feel you over-reacted at all!

On a good note...Congratulations on being the Team Blog Coordinator for Faith! I've been on a hiatus here with my stamping but it shouldn't be long before I can jump back in and play. Love your cards!

Selma said...

Oh Vicki I am so happy your DS is going to be ok. What a scary thing to go through. I also want to tell you how impressed I am with all your work -- everything you create is gorgeous.

Joanne (jojot) said...

high fives all around...great news

Julia Aston said...

I'm SO relieved he is improving - I know how scary that can be! Sounds like you got good medical attention for your son - God is Good - All the time!

Nancy Jensen said...

I'm sooooooooo glad you took him to Phoenix Childrens! I've such good things about them! Good luck to you and hope your son's leg fully recovers without any more complications (or scares!)
